French Sign

French Sign

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Properties of Air

Time to learn about the properties of air! In order to get started, please follow the instructions below.

Click here to begin.


Click on load and then start.

P1 - You don't have to do this page (What I know/ What I wonder). Click on print and then cancel when the print dialog box pops up. Click on next to go to the next page.

P2 - Read the page and pop the balloons! Click on next.

P3 - Air Has Temperature: Take notes using the Cornell system that you learned in class (main idea = air has temperature). Don't forget to click the red switch!

P4 - Air Under Pressure: Continue taking notes using the Cornell system (main idea = air under pressure).

P5 - Follow the instructions on the page. This paragraph summarizes what you have learned. Copy it under the "Summary" section of your notes and you're done!

Have fun!

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