French Sign

French Sign

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Solar System

In this interactive activity, you'll learn some basic characteristics about the planets in our solar system. Summarize what you've learned using Cornell notes. Here's the link:

Click here for a quick summary/comparison of the planets in our solar system (you do not need to take notes).


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Seasons

Ever wonder why summer can't go on forever? Or why all the fun we have in winter (calling all skiers!) has to eventually come to an end? Check out the following interactive activity to study the effects of celestial bodies on the seasons:

Don't forget to take notes of the following:

(a) Reasons for the seasons (click on the planets and take notes); don't forget to draw the illustration

(b) Check your understanding (use this for your summary)

Have fun!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Solar and Lunar Eclipses

In this interactive activity, you will learn how the motions of the sun, Earth, and moon cause eclipses. To begin, post the following link in your browser:

Please use the Cornell Notes system to record the following:

(a) Solar eclipse: include the definition and draw a diagram to illustrate; include the words Penumbra, Numbra, and New Moon in your diagram.

(b) Lunar eclipse: include the definition and draw a diagram to illustrate; include all of the labels as they appear in the interactive

Don't forget to check your understanding once you've completed the interactive!


Monday, November 20, 2017

A Solar Adventure

In this interactive activity, you will travel to the sun, Earth, and the moon to understand how they interact with one another. To begin, go to the OERB website and post the following link in your browser:

Please use the Cornell Notes system to record what you have learned.

You  should be taking notes of the following on your journey:

(1) The names of the planets in our solar system
(2) The sun
(3) The Earth
(4) The moon
(5) How the sun, Earth, and moon are interrelated

Happy travels!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Space Talk

Time to review some space terminology! In this interactive activity, you will review some important terms that we will be discussing in this unit. To begin, please click here.

If you are unable to access the site, paste the following link in your browser once you have accessed OERB (see my previous post for instructions on how to access interactives):

Please take notes of the following using the Cornell Notes system:

Revolution               Moon               Asteroids               Planet  

Rotation               Tilt                    Axis                       Comet

Feel free to draw some diagrams and/or pictures in your notes.


Exploring Space from Earth

In class we discussed how both binoculars and telescopes can be used to explore space from Earth. Galileo Galilei, a famous scientist made important discoveries using a simple telescope. Much of what we know about our solar system was discovered through the use of the telescope from Earth.

The following simulation will put you in Galileo's shoes! It will allow you to see what he observed through his refracting telescope which had about the same power as a pair of modern binoculars. Click on the tabs on the left in order to experience this simulation. If you have a pair of binoculars at home, you should be able to make the same observations as Galileo!

We also read about the Canada France Hawaii telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Click on this link to see some amazing images taken with the telescope's 340 Megapixel camera! Click on the 'Image Archive' tab for some incredible photos!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

L'ONU en vedette

Visite les sites suivants pour répondre aux questions à propos des Nations Unies et l'engagement du Canada envers l'ONU:

1. Nations Unies

2. Mission permanente du Canada auprès des Nations Unies


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Forces of Flight

Please take Cornell notes on the four forces of flight:


You can access the NASA website here.

Please include the last paragraph on the site page as your summary.

Click here to play CSI: Flight Adventure's Forces of Flight.


Friday, September 29, 2017

Paper Airplanes

It seems as though you had a lot of fun yesterday flying your paper airplanes in class. If you would like to make some paper airplanes over the weekend, click here.

Have fun!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Bernoulli's Principle

Please do the following interactive on Bernoulli's principle. You do not have to take notes.

Follow these steps in order to access the interactive:

1. Click HERE to access OERB.

2. Enter the username and password I provided in class.

3. Click I Agree.

4. Click on the icon above Search (the monitor and magnifying glass).

5. Copy and paste the following link into your browser:'s%20Principle%20MME/LO9035_Bernoullis_Principle.html

6. Have fun!


Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Properties of Air

Time to learn about the properties of air! In order to get started, please follow the instructions below.

Click here to begin.


Click on load and then start.

P1 - You don't have to do this page (What I know/ What I wonder). Click on print and then cancel when the print dialog box pops up. Click on next to go to the next page.

P2 - Read the page and pop the balloons! Click on next.

P3 - Air Has Temperature: Take notes using the Cornell system that you learned in class (main idea = air has temperature). Don't forget to click the red switch!

P4 - Air Under Pressure: Continue taking notes using the Cornell system (main idea = air under pressure).

P5 - Follow the instructions on the page. This paragraph summarizes what you have learned. Copy it under the "Summary" section of your notes and you're done!

Have fun!