French Sign

French Sign

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Static Electricity

A. Please read "How static electricity works" and take Cornell notes on the following:

(1) Atoms

- Include information on protons, electrons, and neutrons
- Charges (opposite, like, and balance)

(2) Static electricity

- Definition
- What happens when objects are rubbed against each other

(3) Explain why the following happens:

(a) You get a shock when you walk across the carpet and touch your pet (this also applies to a door handle)

(b) Your hair stands on end when you take off your hat (this doesn't happen to me!)

(c) A balloon sticks to the wall after you rub it on your clothes (or hair)

B. More on Static Electricity

Try the following interactive in order to better understand why a balloon sticks to the wall after you rub it on your clothes:

Try the following interactive with John Travoltage to understand why you might get a shock from touching a door handle:
