French Sign

French Sign

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Fractured Fairy Tales

In this assignment you will write a fractured fairy tale. What is a fractured fairy tale you may ask? Simply put, you will rewrite a classic fairy tale by considering changes to the plot, characters, setting, or points of view. Please click on this link and do the following:

(1) Read a sample fractured fairy tale.

(2) Plan your own by clicking on write your own fractured fairy tale.

Please note that you will have to print your graphic organizers and bring them to class.

You can choose between one of the following fairy tales:

- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Princess and the Pea

....or choose your own!

Have fun!


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Graduation Survey

Hi Class,

Please click HERE to complete the yearbook survey I mentioned in class.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Endangered Species Project

Here is the link for the endangered species project:

Have fun!

Classifying Trees

In this interactive activity, you will learn how to identify different types of trees. Please complete the graphic organizer that I handed out in class as you progress through the interactive.

Here's the link:


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Classifying Animals

In this interactive activity, you will learn how to classify different animals according to their characteristics. Please take notes on the following by filling in the graphic organizer I handed out in class:

(1) The 2 categories of animals:- invertebrates and vertebrates

(2) Animal Displays

- birds and insects (birds, spiders, insects)
- ocean display (mollusks, crustaceans, fish)
- amphibians
- reptiles
- mammals

Here's the link:


Monday, April 23, 2018

What is Biodiversity?

Now that you have learned what biodiversity means within a species, ecosystem, and region, try the following interactive in order to classify organisms according to their characteristics:

(Paste this link in OERB):

Be patient as you will have to classify many things before you get to classify organisms!

After you have finished the activity, you will investigate biodiversity within a forest habitat and classify various organisms according to a system that you have developed. Here is the link to the interactive:

(Paste in OERB)

You do not have to take notes of the information in the interactives. Have fun!
